Madison Academic Staff Network Bylaws

Madison Academic Staff Network Bylaws

Adopted May 2000
Revised September 2017

Article 1: Name

The Madison Academic Staff Network (MASN) is an organization of members of the academic staff of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison).

Article II: Objectives

  1. To connect academic staff to one another.
  2. To explore new ways to engage with academic staff and the University of Wisconsin-Madison community.
  3. To promote the impact academic staff have at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  4. To support and promote a diverse and inclusive environment for all academic staff.
  5. To learn about how governance affects academic staff.

Article III: Membership

Individuals actively holding or retired from an appointment to the academic staff of the UW-Madison may become members of the Network.  Individuals whose work location is other than the Madison campus, but whose salaries are paid through the UW-Madison, are eligible for membership.

Members in good standing are those who have paid their dues for the current academic year, and such members:

  1. may attend and speak at Executive Board, general membership, committee, and other meetings of the Network;
  2. may vote at all general membership meetings and in all ballots undertaken by the Network; and
  3. are eligible for all elected and appointed offices of the Network.

Interested individuals who do not meet the membership qualifications outlined above may become associate members upon payment of dues.  Such associates may participate in all aspects of the Network except voting and holding office.

Article IV: Dues

Dues for the next academic year are recommended by the Executive Board and are approved by the members at the spring general membership meeting as part of the annual budget presentation.

The membership dues of new members who join MASN after the Spring Luncheon will be waived until the following academic year.  Upon retirement from the university, members will receive an offer to continue with MASN as an emeritus member for a one-time fee.

Article V: Officers – The officers named below shall all be members of the Executive Board.

The term of each officer shall begin on August 1 and end on July 30.

  • President
    • The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Network.  The President shall chair and arrange all general membership and Executive Board meetings and shall be responsible for the coordination of the efforts of the various committees of the Network.
    • The term of office is one year.
  • President-Elect
    • The President-Elect shall be the officer primarily responsible for the programs offered by the Network.  The President-Elect shall take responsibility for meeting arrangements for all programs.
    • The term of office is one year.
  • Past President
    • The Past-President shall chair the Nominating Committee and verify election results.
    • The term of office is one year.
  • Secretary
    • The Secretary shall record and prepare the minutes of all general membership and Executive Board meetings.  These minutes will be distributed to all members of the Executive Board.
    • The Secretary shall conduct the annual elections. If the Secretary is running for office, the past president will conduct the annual elections.
    • The Secretary shall serve a two-year term elected in an alternate year from the Treasurer/Membership Coordinator.
    • The term of office is two years.
  • Treasurer/Membership Coordinator
    • The Treasurer shall collect dues, maintain records of receipts and reimbursements, and the official financial and membership records of the Network.
    • The Treasurer/Membership Coordinator shall provide the initial draft of the proposed annual budget to the Executive Board for eventual submission to the general membership at the spring meeting.
    • The Treasurer/Membership Coordinator shall serve a two-year term, elected in an alternate year from the Secretary.
    • The term of office is two years.
  • Recruitment Coordinator
    • The Recruitment Coordinator shall develop and implement strategies to attract new members and retain and renew existing members.
    • The Recruitment Coordinator shall serve a two-year term, elected in an alternate year from the Secretary.

Article VI: Executive Board

The voting members of the Executive Board shall consist of the officers named in Article V above.  The President may ask additional members to join discussions of the Board.  (See Article VII).

Duties and Responsibilities
The Executive Board is responsible for conducting the affairs of the Network.  It is charged with implementing the decisions of the membership and with preparing the agenda for each general membership meeting.  In the absence of specific membership decisions, it has the power to make policy decisions.

The Board shall communicate with the members and make the interests of the members of the Network known to the Academic Staff Executive Committee.

The Board confirms the appointment of committee chairpersons, upon nomination by the President, and of committee members, upon nomination by the committee chairs. Special subcommittees can be appointed at the president’s discretion and with the approval of the board.

A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum to conduct official business.

Article VII: Special Assignments and Committees

Special Assignments

  1. Website editor – MASN will have enhanced communication with an effective website.  The Board will appoint a member to maintain the site. The site will be updated regularly as needed.
  2. Advisory Committee: MASN presidents have found it helpful to invite MASN members to supplement the Executive Board during planning discussions.  Members performing the special assignments listed above are among those included in such discussions.

Decision-making authority remains as outlined in other sections of these by-laws.

Article VIII: Election of Officers

The President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer/Membership Coordinator shall be elected by a simple majority of those voting.  Candidate(s) for President-Elect will be on the ballot each year; candidate(s) for Secretary will be on the ballot in odd-numbered years, candidate(s) for Treasurer/Membership Coordinator in even-numbered years.

Nominations from the floor at the spring membership meeting will be accepted if the person is present and willing to accept the nomination.

Nominees must have agreed to serve before their names are placed on the ballot.

Voting, which may be in an electronic format, will be conducted within two weeks after the spring membership meeting.  Ballots must be returned within two weeks after being posted.

New officers shall assume their responsibilities on August 1.

Vacancies shall ordinarily be filled by presidential appointment, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.  Appointees shall serve until the next election.

A special election may be called at the discretion of the Executive Board to fill vacant elective positions.

Article IX: General Membership Meetings

  1. There will be a minimum of two general meetings each year.  The first general meeting will be the Fall Breakfast to happen early in the fall semester.  The second general meeting will be the Spring Luncheon, usually in late April or May, which will be the annual meeting of the Network.  Members will be notified in writing or via email at least fifteen days prior to the meeting.
  2. Topics not appearing on the agenda may be discussed at the meeting but will be referred to the Executive Board or the next membership meeting for any action required.
  3. A simple majority of those present is needed to pass any motion.

Article X: Amendments

  1. Any member may propose an amendment to the by-laws.  All proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board.
  2. The President shall appoint a By-Laws Committee to consider the proposed amendment(s) and make recommendations to the Executive Board.
  3. The membership shall be notified in writing of any proposed amendment(s), the opinions of the By-Laws Committee, and of the Executive Board, regarding those proposed amendment(s) and the date of the general membership meeting at which the proposed amendment(s) shall be discussed.
  4. A simple majority of those present is needed to pass any proposed amendment.